CSS Text Styling
CSS Text Styling
In this tutorial, we will cover some of the important text styling properties:
Text Decoration
The text-decoration property adds various types of text decorations.
There are four values for text-decoration:
- overline: adds a line above the text
- underline: adds a line below the text
- line-through: Adds a line to the text.
- none: To remove decoration.
Text Alignment
The text alignment property is used to align the text within the container. Container can be a div, section, etc.
There are four values for text alignment:
- left: align the text to the left.
- centre: align the text to the centre.
- right: align the text to the right.
- justify: spread the text evenly between the left and right margins.
Text Transformation
It transforms the text case.
There are four values for text-transform:
- uppercase: Transform text to uppercase (all capital letters).
- lowercase: transform text to lowercase (all small letters).
- capitalise: capitalise the first character from each word.
- none: To remove text transformation.
Letter Spacing
The letter-spacing property allows to specify the spacing between each character in the text.
The property values can be in pixels (px), em, rem, percentage (%), etc.
Line Height
The line-height property controls the spacing between the two lines of text.
The value of 3.5 means that the space between lines will be 3.5 times the height of the font size.
Text Shadow
The text-shadow property adds a shadow to the text.
Text Overflow
The text-overflow property handles text that overflows its container.
There are two values we can use with text-overflow:
- ellipsis: Truncates overflowing text with an ellipsis.
- clip: clips the text without any visual indication.