CSS Images
CSS Images
Images are an essential part of the website. Images help enhance the website's look.
Syntax to use for the CSS image:
There are two attributes:
- src: The path of the image.
- alt: Alternate text for the image, if the image is not displayed due to any issue.
There are various properties of a CSS image, which are as follows:
Image width and height
There are two ways to specify the width and height of the image.
Here, the width and height are in pixels (px).
Internal/External CSS
Note: We can use pixels (px), percentages (%), or any other unit to specify the width and height of the image.
Image Border Radius
Image border-radius helps create rounded corners for the image.
Image Responsiveness
Responsive images help to give a clear view of the image at different sizes of the screen.
height: auto helps to achieve the responsive layout of the image.
To play around with a responsive layout, follow the steps:
- right-click and click on inspect.
- Click on the toggle device toolbar (laptop mobile icon) or (ctrl + Shift + M).
- Change the dimensions and play around.
There are other ways to make the image responsive, such as:
The fit content specifies the size of that element, which should be determined by its content.
We can also set the maximum width of the element.
Here, the element's width will be as wide as its content, up to a maximum of 200 pixels.
The max-content property makes the element as wide as its content but not wider than the screen.
The min-content property makes the element's width shrink to the minimum required to display its content.
Image Opacity
Image opacity controls the transparency of the image. The property value ranges from 0 to 1.
Image Filter
The CSS image filter allows you to apply various visual effects to the image.
Here, property value can be, any of the following:
Grayscale converts an image to grayscale, i.e., black and white. It sort of adds an overlay of grey color to the image.
Note: The grayscale value ranges between 0 and 100 per cent. 0, which is the default image, and 100%, which is fully black and white.
Blur applies a blur effect to the image.
Note: The blur value is specified in pixels(px)
The brightness property value helps in adjusting the brightness of the image.
Note: The brightness level is specified in percentage. 0 being the black image, as brightness will be 0%, and as the value increases, brightness content increases.
The contrast helps in adjusting the contrast of the image.
Note: The contrast level is specified in percentage.
Invert is used to invert the colours of the image.
Note: The invert value is specified in percentage.
Saturate helps to adjust the saturation level of colours.
Note: The saturation value is specified in percentages.
The hue rotates the colours of the image.
Note: The hue-rotate value is specified in degrees (deg). Positive hue rotation will increase the hue value, while negative hue will decrease the hue value.