Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language that describes how a document should be presented.
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🔖 CSS Properties
- 📖 CSS Colors
- 📖 CSS Backgrounds
- 📖 CSS Borders
- 📖 CSS Images
- 📖 CSS Video Embedding
- 📖 CSS Fonts
- 📖 CSS Text Styling
- 📖 CSS Box Model
- 📖 CSS Padding
- 📖 CSS Margin
- 📖 CSS Hover
- 📖 CSS Cursors
- 📖 CSS List Styles
- 📖 CSS Links
- 📖 CSS Combinators
- 📖 CSS Pseudo-classes
- 📖 CSS Buttons
- 📖 CSS Overflow
- 📖 CSS Float
- 📖 CSS !important
- 📖 CSS Maths Functions
- 📖 CSS Size
- 📖 CSS Positioning
- 📖 CSS Z-index
- 📖 CSS Forms
- 📖 CSS Navigation Bar
🔖 CSS Designing
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