CSS Borders


CSS Borders

CSS borders help define the visual boundaries of HTML elements. It can be text, div, p, h1, etc.

The following are the different properties of a CSS border:

Border Style

Border styles define the style of the border.

There are various types of border styles; consider the code snippet:

<html lang="en">
        .none {
            border-style: none;
        .hidden {
            border-style: hidden;
        .dotted {
            border-style: dotted;
        .dashed {
            border-style: dashed;
        .solid {
            border-style: solid;
        .double {
            border-style: double;
        .groove {
            border-style: groove;
        .ridge {
            border-style: ridge;
        .inset {
            border-style: inset;
        .outset {
            border-style: outset;
    <p class="none">no border</p>
    <p class="hidden">Hidden Border</p>
    <p class="dotted">Dotted Border</p>
    <p class="dashed">Dashed Border</p>
    <p class="solid">Solid border</p>
    <p class="double">Double Border</p>
    <p class="groove">Groove border</p>
    <p class="ridge">ridge border</p>
    <p class="inset">inset border</p>
    <p class="outset">Outset Border</p>

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Border Color

The border color property sets the colour of the border. We can use colourname, hex, rgb, or hsl to set the color.

If you are not familiar with CSS colours, then follow the CSS Color Tutorial.

Consider the code snippet:

<html lang="en">
        .dotted {
            border-style: dotted;
            color: purple;
        .dashed {
            border-style: dashed;
            border-color: #FF0000;
        .solid {
            border-style: solid;
            border-color: rgb(100, 233, 12);
        .double {
            border-style: double;
            border-color: hsl(10, 50, 30);
    <p class="dotted">Dotted Border</p>
    <p class="dashed">Dashed Border</p>
    <p class="solid">Solid border</p>
    <p class="double">Double Border</p>

cwh tutorial image

Border Width

Specifies the width of the border. Sets the width of the border in pixels(px), or there are values like medium, thin, and thick to set the border width.

Consider the code snippet:

<html lang="en">

        .solid1 {
            border-width: 5px;

            border-style: solid;
            border-color: red;
        .solid2 {
            border-width: thin; /* thin || medium || thick */

            border-style: solid;
            border-color: #FF0000;
    <p class="solid1">Solid border 1</p>
    <p class="solid2">Solid border 2</p>

cwh tutorial image

Border Radius

Border radius helps create rounded borders for elements like buttons or images.

<html lang="en">
        .solid1 {
            border-radius: 20px;

            border-style: solid;
            border-color: red;
        .solid2 {
            border-radius: 25%;

            border-style: solid;
            border-color: #FF0000;

    <p class="solid1">Solid border 1</p>
    <p class="solid2">Solid</p>

cwh tutorial image

We can also set border-radius to each individual edge (specific corners), such as top left, bottom right, top right, and bottom left.

Set the border of individual corners


selector {
     border-radius: 10px 5px 15px 35px ;
     /* border-radius: top-left top-right bottom-right bottom-left ; */



selector {
            border-top-left-radius: 10px;
            border-top-right-radius: 5px;
            border-bottom-right-radius: 15px;
            border-bottom-left-radius: 35px;

Border Collapse

While working with tables, border-collapse helps to control how table borders interact with each other.

There are two properties of border-collapse.



selector {
            border-collapse: collapse;

css borders



selector {
            border-collapse: separate;

css borders

Border Spacing

While working with tables, border-spacing helps define the space between the borders of adjacent table cells.

selector {
     border-spacing: 5px;

css borders


Border shorthand takes three properties: width, style, and color.


    border: width style color;


<html lang="en">
        p {
            border: 2px solid red;
    <p>Hello, I'm Maxoncodes</p>

css borders